
SRLF - Société de Réanimation de Langue Française

French Society of Intensive Care Medicine


How to enable SRLF to have a simplified management of its website and of the society while offering  an attractive web-platform?


Solutions brought by CYIM

CYIM's teams chose to build the website as a media content, where content, no matter the shape (text / video) is attractive.

The client has the complete disposition yo add content: he can add videos, posts, podcasts with selected key words.

the corporate website has been thought as being a multimedia library with informative yet restrained      according to the status of the visitor (member or not).

The corporate website also helps the society' management to have a simplified access to the management of its community.


Key figures :

Almost 33000 unique visitors in a year

30 000 new users

1700 members

4500 contacts


The SRLF, the French society of Intensive Care Medicine, confided its website, and the management of its members, their registration, their membership, their research subscription to CYIM's teams in January 2021. The goal was to have an easy website, with a simplified access and management so that the client may be completely independent and handle any modification.

At one glance, and really easily, the administrative management is simplified. the client can access the list of its members, those who haven't renewed their membership, can handle the registrations to trainings,  land the communication between the society and its members.

The corporate website is also linked and directly interacts with all the other SRLF's websites. 

The scientific society, just as the visitor can have access to all the key information in just one place.

the key words to build and design this website were: simplified management, customization, and a complete hosting at CYIM, while offering a total support in case of any issue. 

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