
SFR 2021

French Society of Rheumatology


How to provide delegates with an appropriate tool and expand the on-site format of a congress ?

app mobile

Solutions brought by CYIM

Develop a dedicated app for the congress, thought and designed as being the best tool for the delegates.


2811 downloads / 3500 broadcasted videos / in average 10 app openings per delegate during the congress / 1100 plan overview


2021, first edition of the congress for the SFR after the COVID episode which was forbidding any type of gatherings. Rheumatologists are keen on meeting again and are glad to finally be able to share information, train, exchange respecting sanitary rules.
Yet the traditional congress transformed : it is expanded by a digital aspect. The SFR congress remains on-site but is also online. The scientific program is double: a program thought for the event and one thought for the online event. in order to help delegates and improve their experience of the congress, SFR asks CYIM to develop a specific app for the congress.

Thought and designed to become the best tool and to accompany efficiently the delegate, it enables them to perform several actions: interactivity via the voting / customized notifications / access to the program / easier networking,...
An app for an enhanced flexibility, a customization, and an expanded experience of the congress